2 Retire In Panama?                                           NEWSLETTER

            March 22, 2021  Volume 26  

I never expected...

...it to be so all encompassing. The last year of our lives it has taken over everything, from our thoughts to our actions. Everything we do, feel, or say seems to evolve around COVID. People have lost friends and family, but not due to the actual illness, but because of uncertainty, politics, and fear. It has been the deciding factor in every aspect of our lives, where we go, when, what we do, and how we dress. But the worst of it is the feelings it has brought on...confusion, frustration, angst, fear, anger, and loneliness.

Sitting here next to this beautiful waterfall, watching the clear water with the yellow leaf floating by one can almost feel a world away from all of the uncertainty. Nature brings us back, it grounds us. We feel free and can breathe again.


The above was written by my good friend, adventure buddy, and fellow participant in "Write Along", Lyn Gilbert. Our Write Along workshops have an established private, safe environment where we can write form the heart without the fear of judgement. Lyn allowed me to share this work from a recent workshop where we made a short hike to the Filipina Waterfall. The setting was awe-inspiring and it caused me to rethink a few things. This is why you are not seeing a COVID report today. I am making an effort to move past COVID, and make decisions for my own health and safety with regard to going out, masking, and enjoying life.

I never expected...

...there to be so many dogs. In the workshop from above we parked at the trail-head and were met by a group of friendly dogs. The dogs showed us the way to the falls where we settled on the rocks near enough to feel the cool spray. The facilitator, Lyndi Allison, gave us a writing prompt, "I never expected..." and we began to write. I will not share any specifics of the workshop to protect the privacy of the individuals who write with us, but I did write a blog post where I shared many of the awesome pictures and a bit about how you can write in a similar workshop or visit Tranquilo Retreat for writers. Here are just a few of our great pictures.



My special offer this week...

...is back by popular demand. I would like to send you, my faithful readers, a great bookmark. The bookmarks are from my NYC Big Book Award and I have autographed a bunch for my daughter to send out to anyone interested. You must have a United States address and share it with me privately by cliking the contact us on the blog and sending your name and address by e-mail to me at my address on the page (greg@2RetireInPanama.com). I am all about privacy, so I will not share your information with anyone.


Jen and I...

...have become what some may call Pascal groupies. Pascal Turner is a local performer who we enjoy every chance we get. Pascal plays on Saturday evenings at the Coronado Golf Hotel Resort near the pool. In the past Pasqual has invited me to sing with him, and I look forward to having that opportunity again when the time is right.

On Friday Pascal will be playing at the Blue Wolf Hotel Restaurant in Las Lejas. He is going to start playing at 2:30PM. I am told that they will be having happy hour and food will be served. It sounds like a great time, so if your are in the area feel free to join us.


The Santa Maria...

...took up port at the Marina of Vista Mar last week. The ship  is a replica of the original lead ship that Columbus sailed from Spain. The ship has a crew of 12 and is open to the public while in port. I am told that they do tours and shows for the guests. Reservations are required and the cost is $15 for adults. We took a stroll on the pier to grab some great pictures, but did not take the tour.

                  This week's fan photos...

...are friends Jon and Barbie Yoder. Jon and Barbie are coming home to Panama just before Easter. Jon told me that they wanted to be home to celebrate Easter with their church family here. 

Church services at Coronado Bible Church are scheduled to return to Sunday worship on Easter. The health protocols will remain in place at the church and everyone is asked to register in advance for the 10:30 worship service.

I am running out of original fan photos, so if you are willing, and can share a fan photo with me it would be greatly appreciated. It will appear in an upcoming newsletter. 

It would also mean a lot to me if those of you who haven't, would go to Amazon or Goodreads and leave a review. This makes my book easier for people to find.


You can get a copy of my book by clicking the link here, or the link on the blog. It is exclusively available on Amazon or Kindle. Kindle Unlimited subscribers read it free.  

Blessings from paradise,                          


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