2 Retire In Panama?                                           NEWSLETTER

            May 31, 2021  Volume 36  

This weeks header photo...

...is courtesy of Angie Whittemore Brutto. Angie and her husband, Nicolas operate Saigon Bay Bed & Breakfast on Isla Colon just a few minutes from Bocas Town. Angie is a new Facebook friend, and I sure wish I had known her before our recent trip to Bocas Del Toro. We certainly would have given their place a try. It looks absolutely amazing. You can explore their website by clicking here.

We are on the ground...

...in Florida. Our trip was uneventful. On Thursday we got our first COVID shot and scheduled the second shot. I wanted to chronicle and share our experience of getting the vaccine in Panama, but due to our early retirement, our age would not qualify us for several months. Jen and I made an educated decision to get vaccinated because it was right for us. We do however respect decisions of our friends who prefer not to get the vaccine. We got our vaccine at no charge from Walgreen. They provided the Pfizer vaccine, and will also give us a free COVID test before we return to Panama. We also got our Florida Drivers licenses and registered to vote. Expats regardless of their nationality should continue to exercise their right to vote. As Florida residents we are able to send our votes in state and federal elections electronically.

Jen and I...

...have been preparing for the closing of our condo tomorrow. We made arrangements for the electric to be changed and ordered cable and internet. On Saturday we picked up the equipment from the cable company. We purchased our own router because the cable company wanted us to rent theirs for over $15 per month. The router was delivered by Amazon on Friday. Most of the furniture was negotiated into the sale, but we had to buy some cookware, linens, and televisions. We will do our final walkthrough today and schedule the fund transfer prior to our closing tomorrow. 

We are having a blessed...

...Memorial Day holiday in the Florida. It is comforting to see that there is still some patriotism left in the United States. I was shocked to see a news report that reported people are now calling for cancellation of Memorial Day because it offends some people. There is nothing more important in my mind than taking a day to honor our veterans who served to keep us safe. This picture was captured by Elizabeth Rodriguez Sepulveda at Laishley Park here in Punta Gorda. This weekend the local Rotary arranged to have over 500 flags flying to honor our veterans and play taps proudly each evening.


Coronado Bible Church...

...will continue to have in person Sunday services at 8:30am and 10:30am as we move forward in the new normal. The health protocols will be in place at the church, and everyone is asked to  register in advance for the worship services. The registration link will give times and describe the health protocols and what must be done by attendees who intend to be with us in person. Join us in person, by YouTube, or on Facebook

We celebrated...

...Jen and Renees birthdays on Saturday night by having a beautiful dinner at Carmelo's Italian Restorante in Punta Gorda. If you are in the area, I highly recommend this place. It is a favorite of Renee, and she made this reservation way in advance. The restaurant was busy and the service impeccable. It is a blessing to see these wonderful businesses getting back to normal. After a delicious meal we stopped by the park on the harbor for a sunset picture. 


This week's fan photo...

...is my beautiful daughter Jen. She is celebrating her birthday on Thursday. If you see her on Thursday, be sure to wish her a blessed day. Jen will be in Florida along with her sisters and all of our grandchildren for Father's Day. It was such a blessing for my dad and I that we will all be together for a special weekend. 


I love getting original fan photos, so if you are willing, and can share a fan photo with me it would be greatly appreciated. It will appear in an upcoming newsletter. 

It would also mean a lot to me if those of you who haven't, would go to Amazon or Goodreads and leave a review. This makes my book easier for people to find.

You can get a copy of my book by clicking the link here, or the link on the blog. It is exclusively available on Amazon or Kindle. Kindle Unlimited subscribers read it free.  

Blessings from paradise,                          


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