2 Retire In Panama?                                           NEWSLETTER

            March 29, 2021  Volume 27  

I never expected...

...to find myself so busy. The country is now wide open with a few limits. We recently learned that the border of Panama is closed to people who have traveled in South America. Jen and I had expected to travel to Machu Pichu in May, but we have cancelled that adventure. We had made original plans to go there last year, but the trip was postponed until this year. We made the decision to cancel due to difficult travel concerns. We are opting to stay and explore within Panama until the rest of the world is as safe as it is here. We have never been sorry to have spent the pandemic here, as it seems to be among the safest places on earth right now.

Next week we will be traveling to Bocas Del Toro to explore there. In a few weeks we hope to be sailing with our friends for a few days to the Pearl Islands. We are anxious to do a little hiking, go to El Valle de Anton, hang out with friends at the pool, and enjoy the local restaurants. On top of these, I have added an archeological dig to my bucket list. These are all things that we can do without venturing outside the country. Living in a tropical paradise is a perfect retirement plan for us. 

Check your calendar...

...remember that for those of you in Coronado...tomorrow (March 30th) my friend and fellow author Diane Maxwell is signing books at Picasso at 5PM. There will be a short reading and time for questions. Diane's book "An Expat's Struggle" recently released and is available at Amazon or on Kindle. 


March 31st is the official release date of Lyndi Allison's book "The Lines Between Our Stars". It is a science fiction thriller for young adults. The e-book is available for pre-order and the paperback can be ordered starting on Wednesday. Check out her book trailer here and remember to register for her official launch party on Zoom April 15th at 7:00PM EDT.


Thursday April 1st from 9-10:30AM at Tranquilo Retreat Diane Maxwell, Lyndi Allison, and I will be discussing our publishing experience. Contact Lyndi to secure your place in person or click here to attend via Zoom as long as space allows.


Good Friday and Easter services will be in person at Coronado Bible Church. The health protocols will be in place at the church, and everyone is asked to  register in advance for the worship services. The registration link will give times and describe the health protocols and what must be done by attendees who intend to be with us in person. Join us in person, by YouTube, or on Facebook.

Holy Week (Semana Santa)...

...is a big deal in Panama. I believe that it is the biggest travel time in the country and we always plan to have extra groceries on hand to avoid going out onto the Inter-Americana Highway. People will flock to the beaches and enjoy the holidays with family and friends. 

Passover Holidays are celebrated Saturday March 27th through Saturday April 3 this year.

Thursday April 1st is a bank holiday

Good Friday April 2nd is a National Holiday

Holy Saturday April 3rd is a bank holiday

Easter Sunday April 4th 

Plan ahead, stay safe, and do not forget your sunscreen. 

My special offer this week...

...is only appropriate since I have these friends launching their books. Each of the authors who I have promoted in my newsletter today have made their books available on Kindle Unlimited. Regular readers know that I am a big fan of Kindle Unlimited which allows readers to read from thousands of authors on any device for a low monthly subscription. Click on the link to get a great discount on Kindle Unlimited. Supporting my advertisers helps me cover the costs of producing the newsletter.


Jen and I...

...checked out a new place on Friday. Eclipse is a boutique hotel owned by a local family for 10 years. It has undergone a major restoration and has recently reopened. Our friend, local entertainer Pascal Turner played at a re-opening event and we were happy to be invited for the festivities. The setting is high up in the mountains and has a beautiful view of the beach community. We had drinks but did not stay for dinner. I understand that the food is outstanding. Congratulations Anne Gaur and family on your grand re-opening.


This week's fan photos...

...are our beautiful daughters. Jenifer Kitzmiller pictured on the far left is the youngest. She resides in Austin Texas. Our middle daughter Kara is pictured in the middle with our granddaughter Lucy in the bird mask. Kara and Lucy reside in Carrollton, Texas with husband/father Luke. Out oldest daughter Hope is pictured to the right. She is an educator in Spring Lake, Michigan where she resides with husband Jeremiah and our grandchildren, Victoria, Jameson, and Penelope.


We are so proud of our girls and their families. They have grown into special,  independent young ladies who are a blessing to every person with whom they cross paths.

I am running out of original fan photos, so if you are willing, and can share a fan photo with me it would be greatly appreciated. It will appear in an upcoming newsletter. 

It would also mean a lot to me if those of you who haven't, would go to Amazon or Goodreads and leave a review. This makes my book easier for people to find.

You can get a copy of my book by clicking the link here, or the link on the blog. It is exclusively available on Amazon or Kindle. Kindle Unlimited subscribers read it free.  

Blessings from paradise,                          


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